
TOP > The Cheese Trap: How Breaking a Surprising Addiction Will Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Get Healthy【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

The Cheese Trap: How Breaking a Surprising Addiction Will Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Get Healthy【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

The Cheese Trap: How Breaking a Surprising Addiction Will Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Get HealthyNew York Times bestselling author Dr. Neal Barnard reveals the shocking truth about cheese-the dangerous addiction that is harming your health-and presents a radical program to lose weight and feel great. We've been told that dairy does a body good, but the truth is that cheese can be dangerous. Loaded with calories, fat, and cholesterol, cheese can make you gain weight and leads to a host of health problems like high blood pressure and arthritis. Worse, it contains mild opiates that make it additive, triggering the same brain receptors as heroin and morphine. In THE CHEESE TRAP, Dr. Neal Barnard presents a comprehensive program to help readers break free of their cheese addiction so they can lose weight, boost energy, and improve their overall health. This easy-to-follow diet features a treasury of healthy recipes that will tame even the toughest cravings-from pizza, to lasagna, to ice cream and cheesecake.Dimensions: 22.86 x 15.75 x 2.79 centimetres (0.5 kg)ニューヨークタイムズのベストセラー作家、ニール・バーナード博士は、あなたの健康に害を及ぼす危険な中毒チーズについての衝撃的な真実を明らかにし、体重を減らして偉大な気分を味わうための根本的なプログラムを提示します。




THE CHEESE TRAPでは、Neal Barnard博士が読者がチーズ中毒から解放され、体重を減らし、エネルギーを高め、全体的な健康を改善できるようにする包括的なプログラムを紹介します。


寸法:22.86 x 15.75 x 2.79センチメートル(0.5 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。



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